Lean manufacturing

Built In Quality (BIQ)

Built-in quality (BIQ) is a principle that emphasizes designing processes and systems to prevent defects and errors. Check at every stage, ensuring that quality is inherent in every task. It leverages standardization, error-proofing (poka-yoke), and feedback loops. This ensures that each step in the process is carried out correctly the first time. Built-in Quality is […]

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smart tasking example and Statistics

Smart Tasking examples and benefits

What is Smart Tasking? Smart tasking refers to the efficient and strategic delegation, prioritization, and execution of tasks to optimize productivity and achieve specific goals. It involves functions on product quality, quantity, and cost to streamline workflows and ensure that the right people or systems handle the right tasks at the right time. The smart

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PDCA Methodology

PDCA stands for (Plan, Do, Check, Act). As you can understand PDCA is 4 words, this is the fault rectification process. P: Plan the work against fault or improvement. D: Do the work after planning C: Check the results on KPI A: Act on completing work and clearing faults or targets PDCA methodology-related faults are

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KPI Dashboard

What is KPI? KPI stands for “Key Performance Indicator.” This strategy is used in the production units, Finance, sales and services, and IT companies. KPIs show a company’s performance and internal departments. KPI is a powerful tool for Lean Manufacturing and Lean Production. We are discussing the industry and production units for Lean Production and

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Manufacturing Control Plans

Introduction. The Manufacturing Control Plan (MCP) is a vital document that outlines the systematic process of manufacturing products. It’s also designed to control and manage the production process. MCP ensures that products meet predetermined quality standards and customer requirements. The plan serves as a roadmap and guides the manufacturing team through the various manufacturing stages.

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What is the concept of Lean?

The term “lean” can have various meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the primary interpretations given in the table. Category Definition Examples Physical Orientation lean means to incline or bend from a vertical position. He leaned against the wall. Fitness and Physique In the context of health and fitness, “lean” refers to

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