Implementing 5S and Housekeeping in the Workplace

5s methodology
  1. Sort (in Japanese it is known as Seiri)
  2. Set (in Japanese it is known as Seiton).
  3. Shine (in Japanese it is known as Seiso).
  4. Standardization (in Japanese it is known as Seiketsu).
  5. Sustain (in Japanese it is known as Shitsuke).

Classify all items in two sections and write down all items in a list. Then look at the items that are not in good condition for use or not repairable and put them aside. Then the items used one time in a year or used for special occasions were put in and out of the Department of Health and me

Keep needed items in the correct place to allow for easy and immediate retrieval.

Keep the workplace and items neat and clean.

The method by which “sort” “set” and “shine” are made habitual.

Maintain established procedures.

First you look at the monthly use items or you use it generally 5 to 6 times in a year and put it on another side.
If you look at items used every week or in-house, you use them on the weekend and put them on the other side.
Then, you look at the items on a daily basis and put them in front of you.

Rack 5S Rule
Design your rack/ cabinet

Set in a specific order the items you need. Set all items after categorizing them.

For example, the industry sets parts of machines with all parts using the same machine. They should be placed in the same part or cabinet, like the pump/ gearbox/ decelerator/ chains. And use at the specific machine the parts of this type should be placed by category of machine type.

If a part is used in all types of machines, place all part types in the same place. Like pneumatic fittings/ but and bolt/ bearing/ belts. The part should be placed in view so any person can understand the part type from a distance. Labeling of all parts is placed and you can use the label in the body of the part for that purpose. Label instructions/pictures. The locator should be designed for this purpose so anyone can find the part. The compatibility part placed with the locator is very important for better results in 5s.

Cleaning of objects, parts, and the working place is very necessary. Dust on parts is not good-looking. Daily cleaning of all the tools, machine parts, and working place is a good habit and looks good.
Shine is the main pillar of the 5s. So we should clean all parts and the working place daily and make a shine list to perform shine activity with record and daily. To shine, we can use cast acrylic transparent sheets to make covers of objects or part boxes. The cleaning of sheets is easier than the object. To clean or shine we use compressed air, we should not do this. It is not safe and secure, it is also costly and also creates some faults in parts or objects.

This method by which ” sort” ” straighten” and ” shine” should do daily in our homes and work and our personal lives. If we make a record and checklist physically daily we can standardize this action. For example, we bathe, we brush our teeth and we polish our shoes as generally saying we do all this work daily but sometimes we can’t polish the shoes due to lack of time and we are in a hurry so we have no record. If we have a record and checklist this thing tells us how many days we are not doing this work. Checklists and records give us responsible reminders about the mentioned work. So this thing makes our life a standard Life.
Standardization is more important in the industry than life because, in the industry number of departments and the number of objects and machines, we easily manage all machines by standardization. Checklists and good record keeping are good habits in personal and working life.

Maintain all the procedures to establish this procedure correctly and honestly this is called sustain.
Sustainability is the key to success in business and life. A good habit in my personal life and a big achievement in industrial life.

  1. Good looking and good feel.
  2. Better and easy cleanness.
  3. Space management.
  4. Parts/ objects management
  5. Knowledge of every item.
  6. Easy access to each item.
  7. Know the placement of every item and object.
  8. Object condition betterment

5s in Mechanical Workshop
5s in Electrical Workshop
5s in the Hardware Store
5s in Personal Life
5s in Office
5s General Store
5s in the House
5s Document

Difference between policy, role, and regulations.

Policy Rule and regulation and three different words and have different definitions and importance in our business and personal lives.

What is a Policy?

The policy is an activity and law that is good and useful for any purpose, like giving some support to needy people. You did something good for yourself and others like honesty is the best policy. Saving is a good policy.

Example of policy.

The energy-saving policy is a very useful policy for individuals, organizations, and industry. Quality policy is about your product standards.

Purpose of the policy.

For betterment in individual life, organization, and industry, like energy saving policy and quality policy.
To give a benefit to your company’s workers with a condition is also a company policy.

What are roles?

Set the standards on which life, company, or organization run these are rules. In the company, the recruitment rules and different posts have different rules.

Examples of Rules.

The country rules that a person victim of theft will be punished with 6 years in jail. That is the rule of the country.

Purpose of the rule.

Set different limitations on power for different posts in the organization and industry. To create a better work environment in the industry.

What are the regulations?

The parameters and limitations set in the rule are called regulations. The tolerance in the rule is a regulation.

Example of regulation

Changing the rules with the circumstances and conditions are called regulations.

Purpose of regulations

Creating flexibility in rules.

Difference between suggestion, idea, and point of view

What is a point of view?

Your point of view is your opinion about a problem, issue, object, and personality. Your point of view is your angle of thought that base you set your point of view.

Example of a point of view.

I thought that person was a good man, but my brother thought that person was not a good man. There are two different points of view about a man. We can say it has two different angles of thought about a man.

Importance of point of view.

Point of view can clear misunderstandings. To expose fake news between organizations. Make mindsets of others about things. To know the difference between right and wrong things and how to make right what is wrong. Knowing the reality of things clears the mindset and changes the angle of thought.

How to collect others’ point of view

  1. Face-to-face contact
  2. Meetings
  3. Training rooms
  4. Seminars
  5. To set up a survey

What is a suggestion?

Your suggestion is your thoughts on anything it may make better than the present. Your suggestion depends on your honesty with human betterment because the suggestion is only related to human resource activities.

Example of a suggestion.

I suggest to the company executive that a water cooler for workers to drink cold water in the hot season. That is better for workers’ health and increases production.

Importance of suggestions.

To gain the trust of others. Suggestions organize the better structure of the organization. To give a choice to others to know what they want.

Suggestions collection

  1. Seminars
  2. Meetings
  3. Suggestion box
  4. E.Mails
  5. Letters

What is an idea?

The idea is something to make new or innovate a new thing for betterment. The first thought that comes into your mind to doing some activity is also called an idea.

Example of an idea.

I made a vegetable cutting machine. I will do this to expose that person, these are my two different ideas.

Importance of ideas.

Innovation to make life easy machines. To make better or new activity. To save cost, save life, better environment, and achieve organizational goals as soon as possible.

How to get others ideas?

  1. Announce a reward for the best ideas.
  2. Appreciation of ideas
  3. Give a percentage to work on ideas that save money.
  4. To set up idea sharing competition.

8 Industrial Thumb Rules

8 Industrial and business thumb rules are mostly used for managers training.

Any businessman, industrialist, or supervisor must be familiar with these industrial thumb rules. These thumb rules are essential when training your industrial supervisors and responsible posts.

1. Solve the problem with teamwork.

Problem-solving is a significant factor. We need to train our managers and leaders to run the industry or business. And make a suitable environment for workers.

Some issues and problems make the manager or leader hyper and under stress. The manager cries at the worker to solve the problem but does not focus on the problem. Why does this problem disappear again and again?

Sometimes leaders or managers give punishment to workers, without struggling to find a solution to the problem.

This is not good for Managers or Leaders to blame the worker for the problem. They should discuss the situation with workers to find out the solution to the problem. Solution finding of the issue is more accessible in a relaxed mood than stress.

Problem-solving is very important in our personal and business life. It is also essential to improve our business life’s work environment. If we face a problem again and again we should find out the solution to the problem.

First of all, we check the root cause of the problem and point out the first reason for the problem.

2. Focus on what can be done.

Some people show extraordinary activity but they can’t do it. They work on many tasks in these tasks. They can do some tasks but they can’t do some of the tasks. Sometimes people have a little bit of knowledge of many skills. But if they have no experience with these skills. Then they can’t perform better using these skills.

If you have many tasks in these tasks, you can do some tasks but others can’t, so you should categorize these tasks. Like category A tasks, category B tasks, and category C tasks. The tasks which you can do and that you have the knowledge and experience. List these in category A tasks. The tasks you have knowledge of but you have no experience with are category B tasks. The tasks you do not know and have no experience with the tasks in category C tasks.

  1. Manage your tasks and make a list of tasks and workers.
  2. Manage your team and focus on category A tasks without wasting time.
  3. Arrange the team for category B tasks.
  4. Category C tasks that you and your team can’t do so follow these points.

[blockquote]5.01. Hire new workers for these tasks having experience with these tasks.
5.02. If no new hires so manage your team and start smartly working on these tasks. (Smart work)
5.03. Gain top knowledge from the best sources. (best source)
5.04. Analyze gained knowledge of the situation and requirements.
5.05. Enlist all workers and choose a team and discuss tasks with the team.5.06. Encourage ideas and note all ideas from team members.
5.07. Manage tasks and work points.
5.08. Give points to workers for pre-training and mindset.
5.09. Start the task with confidence and write the progress and issue of the task daily.
5.10. Find a solution to the issues that you face during work at task.
5.11. When you complete your task compare your task with other same tasks. Write all mistakes which you have made while working on the task.
5.12. Appreciate your team completing the task.[/blockquote]

3. Encourage different points of view and honest dialogue.

Encourage different points of view and honest dialogue. Different people have different points of view. The point of view about an issue, problem, or suggestion. Shows your mind level, experience, society, and lifestyle. Sometimes seniors do not accept the junior’s point of view. Because they feel ego problems and jealousy. A leader and a manager should listen, appreciate, and put on workers’ points of view. If the point of view is authentic and reasonable. In industry, the worker’s point of view is very essential. Collecting points of view in a meeting and seminar.

4. Express your feelings in a good way.

Express your feelings in a good way. Some people when expressing their feelings blame others. They show that this person is the reason for their failure. There are so many hidden reasons for the success and failure of a person. Always express your feelings in good words, show that you are in trouble or suffering from pain, and blame others when you are in a meeting, seminar, or gathering. Creates a tense environment in personal and business life. Industrial life is needed to establish public relations. For the betterment of the future. Your feelings can hurt others so think before expressing your feelings.

5. Accept ownership on your part of the problem.

If you are a part of the system, you are responsible for the system’s result it may be good or bad. Problems are not a sign of failure but the most important to take responsibility for the problem. When a person takes responsibility for problems. He shows that he has the willpower to overcome these problems. Mistakes are the nature of humans. So the problems created by the mistake and problems are the cause of others’ mistakes. Don’t blame and help the other to find out the root cause of the problem. Problem-solving is a very important topic in business and individuals. Accept responsibility for the problem. Even if you know the other people are also the reason for this problem. So don’t blame them in front of others and don’t make back betting.

Arrange a meeting with your all team and find out the main reason for the problem. For problem or fault finding, create a why, and why analysis report. Sort out the cause of problems from the route cause.

6. Listen to the other person’s point of view before giving your own.

Another person’s point of view may be different from your point of view. First, the most important to listen and understand the other’s point of view. Maybe the other’s point of view is more reasonable and effective than your point of view. Listening and understanding other people’s points of view. Gives you some new things, suggestions, and ideas from his experience of life.

It’s a sign that Goodman first listens other than when you speak. When you listen to other people’s points of view. This thing gives the other person more confidence and motivation. Listening to others with attention and a cool mind and giving positive feedback is a good manner. And a good habit in life is to increase our value to other people. This thing gives respect to others. If you do not listen to the other person’s point of view. This thing has a bad effect on others’ confidence and morals. And the other person who wants to give his point of view feels hesitation and stress. This decreases your personality and importance in front of other people. As a leader, managers, and supervisors we should understand the mindset of workers. by collecting their point of view for betterment.

7. Show respect for the other person’s point of view.

The people are important for your society, business, office, and team. A single man can’t do a lot of things, people and workers are necessary for business and production units. An industrialist and businessman earns and grows his business through the struggle of a worker. So it’s important to give respect to the worker and the worker’s point of view. If you give respect to a person you also give respect to his point of view. If an industry gives respect to its workers. Create a better environment in the industry and attract good workers. If you respect the other person’s point of view so should show this thing. If you do some work on it like,

  1. Listen to the other person’s point of view with attention.
  2. Don’t cross-talk others,s points of view.
  3. Do not reply before completing the other’s point of view.
  4. Write the other person’s point of view.
  5. If the other person’s point of view is valid and authentic, so put it in place and appreciate the person.
  6. If any person’s point of view is not valid, don’t blame him in front of others.
  7. If any person’s point of view is opposite to your point of view, don’t retaliate.

8. Solve the problem while building the relationship.

Problems are natural things in any field of life like individual, family, business, and worker life. When you face some problems, don’t blame others and don’t back-bit. Blame and back-betting create a big gap between your relationship. and the problems are not solved in this situation. Always solve the problems and discuss them with your organization and your seniors. If the reason for the problem is a specific person, forgive him and give him a chance to maintain himself.

Workplace Harassment

all common types of workplace harassment.

1. Personal harassment.

On the topic of workplace harassment, this type of harassment is widespread. It generally says some abusive words about the physical, mental, or personality position of a person. Others highlight a person’s small mistake to laugh at him, which is known as personal harassment.
Personal harassment is very common in our society. Some people do not consider personal harassment to be harassment. They believe personal harassment to be enjoyment and time passes. Other than this type of harassment, it has a destructive impact on a person. And make a person nervous, demotivated, and underconfident.

2. Verbal harassment.

Attack a person for abuse and say some harsh words without any serious issue. This type of harassment creates an intense work environment. And promote the trend of back betting. Every worker should respect his colleagues, juniors, and seniors and respectfully converse with them. To stop this type of harassment.

3. Physical harassment.

A person is physically harassed when subjected to torture as a form of punishment or to enjoy their hesitation. This type of harassment has the worst impact on affected people. Sometimes people attempt suicide or leave their jobs. The government and companies should stop strictly this type of harassment. And make a policy on this type of harassment.

4. Psychological harassment.

Saying some of those types of words makes a person feel abused or guilty this type of harassment is called psychological harassment. Criticizing each activity or work of a person although this is good or bad is also psychological harassment. Mental harassment is referred to as this type of harassment. Psychological harassment affects people who try not to go in front of other people. Their talent and confidence is going down day by day. Other than sensitive people, this type of harassment.

5. Cyberbulling harasment.

Employees facing such harassment often endure emotional distress, decreased productivity, and a hostile work environment. Organizations must address this issue proactively.

Cyberbullying harassment in the workplace can take these forms such as:

  1. Offensive emails.
  2. Hurtful comments in virtual meetings.
  3. Sharing of inappropriate content.
    Such behavior damages individual well-being and tarnishes the company’s reputation.
    To combat workplace harassment, companies should implement strict anti-harassment policies and provide comprehensive training to employees. Encouraging a culture of respect and open communication is essential. Employees should feel safe reporting incidents without fear of retaliation.

By taking a firm stand against cyberbullying, organizations can create a healthier work environment where employees can thrive, collaborate, and innovate without the distress of harassment. Addressing this issue head-on is not just a legal obligation; it’s a moral imperative to ensure a safe and inclusive workplace for all.

6. Sexual harassment.

When a person does some activity with others to show his mindset set he attempts to fulfill his sexual needs.

7. Quid pro qud sexual harasment.

Sharing or sending prohibited material like video, audio, and images to someone male or female without his/her permission. Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when someone is pressured into having sex in exchange for something.

8. Power harassment.

This type of harassment is attempted by empowered personalities like bosses and seniors. and affected the junior workers female/male. The senior cries and shows his power to his junior.

Rarely do senior personalities or the Owner use this type of workplace harassment. This type of harassment creates hesitation in the minds of workers.

9. Discrimination

Discrimination in the workplace is a grave concern. It undermines equality, fosters a toxic environment, and hinders both personal and professional growth. Combating it is paramount.

When work-ethics and specialties are disregarded, the selection of persons for receiving benefits is called discrimination. There are no equal rules for all. Discrimination has a very bad impact on our society and industry. Illegible people do not perform efficiently in high posts.

10. Retaliation

Workplace harassment is an unfortunate reality in many organizations, and it often leaves victims grappling not only with the initial mistreatment but also the potential threat of retaliation. Retaliation occurs when an employer or colleagues take adverse actions against someone who has reported harassment or discrimination. It’s a serious issue that can have long-lasting effects on individuals and workplace culture.

One of the key challenges in addressing workplace harassment is ensuring that those who report it are protected from retaliation. Employees should feel safe and empowered to speak up without fear of negative consequences. To combat this, organizations must establish clear anti-retaliation policies and provide training to both employees and managers.

Preventing retaliation involves fostering a culture of accountability and transparency. Employee complaints should be handled professionally and impartially by supervisors. Employees should be aware of their rights and protections under the law.

by actively addressing retaliation as part of their anti-harassment efforts. Companies can create a workplace where employees feel secure, valued, and confident. Their concerns will be addressed appropriately. In doing so, they not only comply with legal obligations but also contribute to a healthier and more inclusive work environment.

Characteristics of Business Leadership

leadership attitudes in eagles

What is Leadership in Business?

leadership is a directional approach in which leaders set successful goals and lead the organization for collective success is business leadership. And motivate the followers and employees while motivating individuals within the group. To successfully carry out assignments in service to those goals.

Types of Leadership

Importance of business leadership

Lead the organization.

Effective Communication.

Organizational Betterment.

lead the organization in the right way.

Organization Management.

responsible person from the organization.

To manage workload.

To secure the health and wealth of a worker

Leaders educate the team members to achieve goals.

Motivate the team members.

To fulfill the needs of the team members.

Leading the team in the right direction for goal achieving.

Create team combinations.

Discussion for next.

To create a friendly environment between his team members.

Leaders treat all employees equally as humans.

Prioritize your achievements.

To manage teamwork and gain the best result.

Professional Leadership Qualities.

Professional knowledge and experience.

Confidence and Decision-making ability.



Public Relations.

Ability to prioritize goals and be oriented.



Understand the emotions. They are keeping backups.

Leadership Qualities

Always Think Positive.

Always think positively about others and act positively with others.

Maintain effective communication.

Effective communication is the key to success. A leader should be an effective communicator.

Organizational supervision.

Organizations need a leader to supervise them and manage all their lifestyles and decisions to make more effective organizational values. A leader can change the value of his organization with his effective personality, public relations, and the power of decision. Leaders think all about the betterment and growth of their followers and the public.

Ability of decision making.

A good and on-time decision has a better result than a bed and wasted time decision. Always make decisions on time and with confidence have faith that your decision is perfect and expect a good result of your decision.

Best investment procedure.

Always invest in your betterment and professional growth. Your investment in an effective and better future business is secure.

Increasing public relationships.

Relationships with others through good deeds and humility make your personality respectful to others. Always grow your relationship with professional people who give you more ideas in business. and can secure your business investment.

Save expenditures.

Pay if necessary.


Long-term business plan approaches business leadership.

Secure future planning.

☛ Difference between a Leader and a Manager

♚ Leader

  1. Seek Power
  2. Gives Order
  3. Innovate
  4. Creative
  5. Seeking Responsibility
  6. Flexible
  7. Calculated risk taker
  8. Decision Maker
  9. Set challenging goals
  10. Action: good ideas

♟ Manager

  1. Specific Power
  2. Gives Direction
  3. Organize
  4. Control employees
  5. Accept Responsability
  6. Specialise
  7. Minimize Risk
  8. Set goals
  9. Delegate cautiously
  10. Has good ideas
each about leadership style with examples

Dressing behavior of a leader

As a professional, choose your work wardrobe seriously. First, determine which dress code level is

appropriate for the position you currently have, and follow the “+1/-1 Rule.” You can always dress one level higher. It can inspire you to rise through the ranks and recent posts.
looked overdressed. The only time you should dress one level down is on a casual Friday or another relaxed event.

Your dress puts the first expression on others and the first expression is the last. An expression makes your mindset about a person. The expression can have long-term effects sometimes it causes some distance or creates a side between persons and relations.

Body Language of a Leader.

  1. Walking Behaviour.
  2. Standing Behaviour.
  3. Sitting Behaviour.
  4. body movement.

Leadership Attitudes

We need to train our managers and leaders to run the industry or business to make a suitable environment for workers. Some issues and problems make the manager or leader hyper and under stress the Manager cries at the worker to solve the problem but does not focus on the problem and why this problem disappears again and again. Sometimes leaders or managers give punishment to workers without struggling to find the solution to the problem.

This is not good for Managers or Leaders to blame the worker for the problem, they should discuss the situation with workers to find out the solution to the problem. Solution finding of the issue is more accessible in a relaxed mood than stress. Problem-solving is very important in our personal and business life. It is also essential to improve our business life’s work environment. If we face a problem repeatedly, we should find the solution to the problem. First of all, we deeply check the root cause of the problem and point out the first reason for the problem.

Key points for leadership.

01. create a friendly environment between Responsible Personalities.

02. Arrange meetings between executive bodies every week. And take the points of the weekly basis report about all departments.

03. Performed daily basis game walks with executives in all departments. And look at each and everything and issue in all departments.

04. Creates conversation groups between executive bodies.

05. Share your tasks and issues with the executive body.

06. arrange meetings, seminars, and parties for executive bodies. Send the invitation to all executive bodies and give them the same task to all. Then analyze the person who has taken help from different sources. They take help from which source and how effective their problem-solving method is. You will also find the ability to copy help and use the copy. like a teacher giving a task to his students to make a dish. The students find help from different sources to make this dish but some students find it helpful to make this dish more delicious than others.

07. Your body language, work style, and goal-oriented effort are rule models for your employees.

08. respect for time is a very important thing a CEO should enter in working office, factory, or site on time before all employees.

09. Training of behavior and social relations performed the rule creating a friendly environment. Train yourself and arrange the training session for your executive bodies and employees.

10. Don’t stand on one leg and support other sources when conversing with your employee. Stand straight and tight leg position because laziness decreases the morale of your employees.

11. make eye contact with people when speaking in front of people and don’t focus on one person.

12. don’t gossip with one person when you are in front of other people. They want your attention.

13. Don’t use the neck names of your employees. Always use respectful words for your executive bodies and employees like Mister, Sir, Sahab, etc….

14. Listen with full attention when other people are talking with you. And avoid speaking with other people when a person is talking.

15. After your speech, let your employees ask any questions.

16. Avoid loose-talking with your employees in front of others. Because loose talking decreases your respect and the morale of your employees.

15 Important Leadership Skills

15 Important Leadership Skills include open communication, clear messages and making complex ideas easy to understand. Leaders need to show empathy, strategic thinking, creativity, positivity, flexibility, get out of their comfort zones, adapt quickly to changing work conditions, be willing to accept constructive feedback from the team, and be able to brainstorm new ideas and … Read more