Built In Quality (BIQ)

Built-in quality (BIQ) is a principle that emphasizes designing processes and systems to prevent defects and errors. Check at every stage, ensuring that quality is inherent in every task. It leverages standardization, error-proofing (poka-yoke), and feedback loops. This ensures that each step in the process is carried out correctly the first time. Built-in Quality is … Read more

Smart Tasking examples and benefits

smart tasking example and Statistics

What is Smart Tasking? Smart tasking refers to the efficient and strategic delegation, prioritization, and execution of tasks to optimize productivity and achieve specific goals. It involves functions on product quality, quantity, and cost to streamline workflows and ensure that the right people or systems handle the right tasks at the right time. The smart … Read more

PDCA Methodology

PDCA stands for (Plan, Do, Check, Act). As you can understand PDCA is 4 words, this is the fault rectification process. P: Plan the work against fault or improvement. D: Do the work after planning C: Check the results on KPI A: Act on completing work and clearing faults or targets PDCA methodology-related faults are … Read more

KPI Dashboard

What is KPI? KPI stands for “Key Performance Indicator.” This strategy is used in the production units, Finance, sales and services, and IT companies. KPIs show a company’s performance and internal departments. KPI is a powerful tool for Lean Manufacturing and Lean Production. We are discussing the industry and production units for Lean Production and … Read more

Manufacturing Control Plans

Introduction. The Manufacturing Control Plan (MCP) is a vital document that outlines the systematic process of manufacturing products. It’s also designed to control and manage the production process. MCP ensures that products meet predetermined quality standards and customer requirements. The plan serves as a roadmap and guides the manufacturing team through the various manufacturing stages. … Read more

What is the concept of Lean?

The term “lean” can have various meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the primary interpretations given in the table. Category Definition Examples Physical Orientation lean means to incline or bend from a vertical position. He leaned against the wall. Fitness and Physique In the context of health and fitness, “lean” refers to … Read more

Implementing 5S and Housekeeping in the Workplace

5s methodology
  1. Sort (in Japanese it is known as Seiri)
  2. Set (in Japanese it is known as Seiton).
  3. Shine (in Japanese it is known as Seiso).
  4. Standardization (in Japanese it is known as Seiketsu).
  5. Sustain (in Japanese it is known as Shitsuke).

Classify all items in two sections and write down all items in a list. Then look at the items that are not in good condition for use or not repairable and put them aside. Then the items used one time in a year or used for special occasions were put in and out of the Department of Health and me

Keep needed items in the correct place to allow for easy and immediate retrieval.

Keep the workplace and items neat and clean.

The method by which “sort” “set” and “shine” are made habitual.

Maintain established procedures.

First you look at the monthly use items or you use it generally 5 to 6 times in a year and put it on another side.
If you look at items used every week or in-house, you use them on the weekend and put them on the other side.
Then, you look at the items on a daily basis and put them in front of you.

Rack 5S Rule
Design your rack/ cabinet

Set in a specific order the items you need. Set all items after categorizing them.

For example, the industry sets parts of machines with all parts using the same machine. They should be placed in the same part or cabinet, like the pump/ gearbox/ decelerator/ chains. And use at the specific machine the parts of this type should be placed by category of machine type.

If a part is used in all types of machines, place all part types in the same place. Like pneumatic fittings/ but and bolt/ bearing/ belts. The part should be placed in view so any person can understand the part type from a distance. Labeling of all parts is placed and you can use the label in the body of the part for that purpose. Label instructions/pictures. The locator should be designed for this purpose so anyone can find the part. The compatibility part placed with the locator is very important for better results in 5s.

Cleaning of objects, parts, and the working place is very necessary. Dust on parts is not good-looking. Daily cleaning of all the tools, machine parts, and working place is a good habit and looks good.
Shine is the main pillar of the 5s. So we should clean all parts and the working place daily and make a shine list to perform shine activity with record and daily. To shine, we can use cast acrylic transparent sheets to make covers of objects or part boxes. The cleaning of sheets is easier than the object. To clean or shine we use compressed air, we should not do this. It is not safe and secure, it is also costly and also creates some faults in parts or objects.

This method by which ” sort” ” straighten” and ” shine” should do daily in our homes and work and our personal lives. If we make a record and checklist physically daily we can standardize this action. For example, we bathe, we brush our teeth and we polish our shoes as generally saying we do all this work daily but sometimes we can’t polish the shoes due to lack of time and we are in a hurry so we have no record. If we have a record and checklist this thing tells us how many days we are not doing this work. Checklists and records give us responsible reminders about the mentioned work. So this thing makes our life a standard Life.
Standardization is more important in the industry than life because, in the industry number of departments and the number of objects and machines, we easily manage all machines by standardization. Checklists and good record keeping are good habits in personal and working life.

Maintain all the procedures to establish this procedure correctly and honestly this is called sustain.
Sustainability is the key to success in business and life. A good habit in my personal life and a big achievement in industrial life.

  1. Good looking and good feel.
  2. Better and easy cleanness.
  3. Space management.
  4. Parts/ objects management
  5. Knowledge of every item.
  6. Easy access to each item.
  7. Know the placement of every item and object.
  8. Object condition betterment

5s in Mechanical Workshop
5s in Electrical Workshop
5s in the Hardware Store
5s in Personal Life
5s in Office
5s General Store
5s in the House
5s Document

Difference between policy, role, and regulations.

Policy Rule and regulation and three different words and have different definitions and importance in our business and personal lives.

What is a Policy?

The policy is an activity and law that is good and useful for any purpose, like giving some support to needy people. You did something good for yourself and others like honesty is the best policy. Saving is a good policy.

Example of policy.

The energy-saving policy is a very useful policy for individuals, organizations, and industry. Quality policy is about your product standards.

Purpose of the policy.

For betterment in individual life, organization, and industry, like energy saving policy and quality policy.
To give a benefit to your company’s workers with a condition is also a company policy.

What are roles?

Set the standards on which life, company, or organization run these are rules. In the company, the recruitment rules and different posts have different rules.

Examples of Rules.

The country rules that a person victim of theft will be punished with 6 years in jail. That is the rule of the country.

Purpose of the rule.

Set different limitations on power for different posts in the organization and industry. To create a better work environment in the industry.

What are the regulations?

The parameters and limitations set in the rule are called regulations. The tolerance in the rule is a regulation.

Example of regulation

Changing the rules with the circumstances and conditions are called regulations.

Purpose of regulations

Creating flexibility in rules.