PDCA Methodology

PDCA stands for (Plan, Do, Check, Act). As you can understand PDCA is 4 words, this is the fault rectification process.

PDCA methodology-related faults are not only engineering faults, these faults can be related to any department like process faults.

Each step keeps a record of process faults rectification. People involved in the PDCA methodology are eligible for the best work reward.

This methodology is conducted for finding and rectifying major faults and issues. Major faults and issues mean the faults affect the department and plant KPI dashboards. Faults that directly or indirectly affect the KPI can be solved through the PDCA strategy.

Conducting PDCA against faults is the responsibility of the manager or supervisor authority of the department because the faults in the circle of the PDCA affect the department’s production performance.

PDCA Model

PDCA Template

Difference Between PDCA and 5-Why

PDCA Methadology5-Why Analysis
PDCA conduct for major faults and losses that affect the KPI.
PDCA can be related to any department like engineering, utility, or management.
This methodology is reversible if your change is not suitable
PDCA is the responsibility of the manager or supervisor of the department.
PDCA is an idea or thought of improvement in the present setup to increase department KPI performance.
PDCA methodology may need a cost or approval budget to work on it.
PDCA needs a brief discussion before starting work on it.

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